Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I heard on NPR that when Ahnald went to vote today, they turned him away because the machines said he had already voted. They were going to give him a provisional ballot to fill out that would be counted if they found out he had not, as he said, voted already.
Then somebody got on the phone to the election commissioner (Think if this happened to you or me we would be able to get on the phone to the election commissioner?) and it turns out that when they were testing the early voting machines, they used the Guv's name as a test and forgot to take it out so it looked like he had already voted.
Isn't that hilarious??!!! "It's not a tooma!"

1 comment:

Kelly Love said...

For some reason, I don't connect the California that has Governor Ahnald with YOUR California...it doesn't seem right.

Of course, I don't connect MY South Carolina with the Republican bitches that are in office here either, so there you go.