Saturday, November 19, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

Yes. Those are mine. I guess with a name like mine it was inevitable that I would take up boxing.

So now I actually own a pair of boxing gloves and wraps. Own them! When I bought them at my gym, I said to the girl, "If anyone had ever told me I would own a pair of boxing gloves and wraps I would have told them they were on crack" (or I guess I should have said meth since that's this decade's drug of choice).

She did not even crack a smile. Whatever.

What I like best about my gloves is that they are called "Lights Out." I don't think the girl that sold them to me thought that was funny either. Whatever.

So now, twice a week I find myself at Bodies in Motion punching the crap out of a bag and sweating my butt off (at least I hope my butt is coming off). And I gotta tell you. I love it. On so many levels.

Number 1: You can hide behind the bag and no one will even know you are there. It's a very solitary workout even though it's in a class.

Number 2: You work out a lot of aggression. I'm not going to mention whose face I envision on the punching bag but those of you who know me can probably take a wild guess. (Can you say freakshow?)

Number 3: Lloyd, the instructor/dj plays awesome music.

Number 4: It's a fabulous workout. It's nonstop for 45 minutes and then 15 minutes of ab work. The first day I took the class I wanted to raise my hand and say, "Excuse me. Nobody told me there was going to be abs in this class." But like I've said before, I don't really like to call attention to myself in the gym. It was good though because my abs were so sore for like three days that I could barely eat.


Kelly Love said...

I am SO jealous! I want those gloves. I have a really yucky pair and lost my wraps a long time ago (of course, I haven't boxed in over a year, so...)

Go Mindy!

Anonymous said...

wish i had enough stamina to box!

DaddyWakamole said...

I'm gonna knock you out...mama said knock you out...don't call it a comeback...

okay, enough with the L.L. Cool J lyrics.